Saratoga County Restaurant Week
The Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce will host the 2025 Restaurant Week from Wednesday, February 26th to Thursday, March 6th. Restaurant Week was launched with the intention of spotlighting Saratoga County as a premier dining destination. Member restaurants can participate by offering a Breakfast/Lunch at $15, or a three-course dinner for $25, $35 or $45 (plus tax and tip) throughout the duration of restaurant week. If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Mulholland at or 518-584-3255 ext. 211.
Here are a few things that are required as a participating restaurant:
1. You should be in good standing with your Chamber Membership.
2. Dinner must be 3-course (salad, soup or appetizer/entrée/dessert) for $25, $35 OR $45 plus tax and tip. Restaurants can sign up for more than one price point for dinner! You also have the opportunity to do a breakfast or lunch special at $15 plus tax and tip. You would send your menus and your restaurant Logo to Andrea Mulholland and will be placed accordingly under your menu price point, as first come first serve placement with payment. Menus and Logo MUST be sent in a jpg format with price point visible.
3. The cost to participate would be $125 per restaurant. If you are interested in donating a $100 gift card to our sweepstakes, please email Andrea Mulholland at AMulholland@Saratoga.Org and register for the $100 Gift Card Donation at registration. Please coordinate with Andrea if you are mailing in the gift card or dropping off to the Chamber Office. If mailing, please postmark the card by February 26th and mail to:
Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce
21 Congress St, Suite 202
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
4. Additional Advertisement Opportunities: Please email Andrea Mulholland for these exciting opportunities to be advertised before and during Restaurant Week! Menus must be turned in before advertisements start on social media. This event will be marketed on social media, Chamber website, Saratoga.Com, and News Channel 13.

4. Additional Advertisement Opportunities: Please email Andrea Mulholland for these exciting opportunities to be advertised before and during Restaurant Week! Menus must be turned in before advertisements start on social media. This event will be marketed on social media, Chamber website, Saratoga.Com, and News Channel 13.

Date and Time
Wednesday Feb 26, 2025 Thursday Mar 6, 2025
$125 per Restaurant
Additional Marketing available
$100 Gift Card Donation for Sweepstakes- Please Contact Andrea Mulholland at AMulholland@Saratoga.Org