I Love My Park Day
An exciting statewide volunteer service day sponsored by Parks & Trails New York (PTNY) and New York State Parks. Saratoga National Historical Park will be participating by offering several half-day volunteering opportunities.
More than just a work day, I Love My Park Day provides opportunities to “love your parks back” by learning more about public lands through hands-on community engagement. What goes on behind the scenes to make visitors’ park experiences enjoyable and worthwhile? Come be part of the process! Pre-register at www.ptny.org.

Date and Time
Saturday May 4, 2019
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM EDT
Saturday, May 4th 9am - 1pm
Saratoga National Historical Park
648 Route 32
Stillwater, NY, 12170
Contact Information
Megan Stevens: (518)670-2982
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